Dr. Christophe Carugati
Founder Digital Competition
I am a renowned and passionate expert on digital and competition issues with a strong reputation for doing impartial, high-quality research. After my PhD in law and economics on Big Data and Competition Law, I am an ex-affiliate fellow at the economic think-tank Bruegel and a lecturer in competition law and economics at Lille University.
Digital Competition is a research and advisory firm. Our mission is to advance open digital and competition policies for better innovation.
We inform our members and clients on emerging and global digital and competition issues through impartial, forward-looking analyses, shaping policies that foster innovation for all.
Based in Nice, near Europe's largest tech hub, Sophia Antipolis, we work with members and clients across Europe and the United Kingdom, engaging frequently with decision-makers in Brussels and London. We are looking forward to working with you to tackle your challenges.
We operate across four main policy hubs to advance research on emerging and global digital and competition issues related to the Digital Markets Act, Generative AI, digital competition coherence, and digital innovation. We invite private and public organisations to join our efforts in advancing research in these critical areas by becoming members of our hubs.
We carry out research on a range of topics around digital competition. If you are interested in commissioning research from us, get in touch. We are particularly interested in research projects focusing on Generative AI, mobile ecosystems, the transition from search to answer engines, platform regulations, the international coherence of digital market regulations, and the intersection of privacy and competition.
Additionally, we offer consultations, training sessions, and conferences to tech firms, venture capitalists, law firms, economic consulting firms, competition authorities, governments, and international organisations seeking expert guidance in navigating and harnessing complex market and regulatory developments.
We add value to your project through impartial, high-quality research and strategic solutions in data, AI, and competition in relation to EU and UK laws and policies. We engage with stakeholders, offer insights, and make policy recommendations on complex and novel policy developments.
We consistently contribute to scholarly and policy discourse in digital competition, focusing on competition and privacy, international cooperation, the Digital Markets Act, Generative AI, innovation, and merger.
In addition to our written work, we actively engage with regulatory authorities, journalists, and industry experts through presentations at prominent conferences.
Our insights on digital competition are frequently showcased in leading news media and newsletters across Europe and the United Kingdom, facilitating informed decisions.
Contact us for press inquiries.
We offer infographics on digital and competition policy concepts designated to disseminate key information with a policy recommendation to the public.
What matters in digital competition, and what implications does it have for digital and competition policies? What can we expect next?
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